
2012.06.08 money mastery


1) 对Robert kiyosaki来说,wealth 的意思是:the number of days u can survive forward if you stop working tomorrow.

2) Time ,resource ,effort = money making machine
我们都一直在做别人的mmm,为了达到total wealth 应该做自己的mmm。管道包括:Property,Author,Internet website,Car park at jb,Vending machine at jb, Blue chips stock。

3) Business is not the best 管道,reason is business will always make pp busy.

4) Some of the thing we can do and learn together ,exp:when baby learning walking but investment is something must learn first then only do.

5) 4 decision u must take to create multiple sources of income
A)Decision to make a change-re-educate yourself
B)change your money believe
C)Decide to rediscover your true passion
D)Decision to make smart - leverage. Look for people who have the thing u don't have.

6) Most of the people doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result.

7) If work 8am-5pm,after the working hours look for another job then this is not call multiple incomes.

8) Limit time earn limit money only.We should use leverage."Leveraging your time to create wealth "

9) Leverage = r.i.c.e
Ideas (buy franchises,buy ideas...)And system
Contacts (relationship)

10) Friend are divided into 2 group: Social friend and financial friend. We should look for financial friend also.

11) Income have 2 type:
A)Passive income (mmm)
B)passion income (do what u like to do)

12) Believe ,do, result

13) Formula for success
Lesson 1: re-educate (humanity)
Lesson 2: experience


对自己要求每个月/星期写一篇business proposal。我要加强我的思维。说不定以后卖的就是我的ideas。

